
OpenVeo Player defines an AngularJS directive ov-player:


This directive creates a video player with images synchronization and chapters.


Include player CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/openveo-player/dist/openveo-player.css">

<!-- Only for HTML type-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/video.js/dist/video-js.min.css">

Set player root

OpenVeo player needs to be aware of its root path to load AngularJS partials.

  // Set ovPlayerDirectory to openveo-player root path
  // This is used by openveo-player to get partials
  // Do not forget the trailing slash !
  var ovPlayerDirectory = "lib/openveo-player/";

Nb : ovPlayerDirectory must be defined before including the OpenVeo Player script.

Include scripts

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.min.js"></script>

<!-- Only for HTML type -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/video.js/dist/video.min.js"></script>
  videojs.options.flash.swf = "lib/video.js/dist/video-js.swf";

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/openveo-player/dist/openveo-player.min.js"></script>

Nb : Video.js library must be included before including the OpenVeo Player script.


ov-player directive attributes helps you customize the player.


Sets player data, synchronize images, chapters and cut.

$ = {
  mediaId: ['34532ezr54sdf87', 'dzzfeg4547841'], // The id(s) of the video(s) sources
  timecodes: [ // Timecodes
      timecode: 0, // Timecode in milliseconds (0 ms)
      image: { // Image to display at 0 ms
        small: 'http://mydomainname.local/image1-small.jpeg', // Small version of the image
        large: 'http://mydomainname.local/image1-large.jpeg' // Large version of the image
      timecode: 1200, // Timecode in milliseconds (1200 ms)
      image: { // Image to display at 1200 ms
        small: 'http://mydomainname.local/image2-small.jpeg', // Small version of the image
        large: 'http://mydomainname.local/image2-large.jpeg' // Large version of the image
  sources: [ // Only for "html" player
      files: [ // The list of resolutions for the source "34532ezr54sdf87"
          width: 640, // Video width for this resolution
          height: 360, // Video height for this resolution
          link: 'http://mydomainname.local/pathToSmallMP4.mp4' // Video url
          width: 1280, // Video width for this resolution
          height: 720, // Video height for this resolution
          link: 'http://mydomainname.local/pathToHDMP4.mp4' // Video url
      files: [ // The list of resolutions for the source "dzzfeg4547841"
          width: 640, // Video width for this resolution
          height: 360, // Video height for this resolution
          link: 'http://mydomainname.local/pathToSmallMP4.mp4' // Video url
          width: 1280, // Video width for this resolution
          height: 720, // Video height for this resolution
          link: 'http://mydomainname.local/pathToHDMP4.mp4' // Video url
  thumbnail: 'http://mydomainname.local/thumbnail.jpg', // The media thumbnail url (only for "html" player)
  chapters: [ // Chapters
      name: 'Chapter 1', // Chapter name
      description: 'Chapter 1 description', // Chapter description
      value: 0.1 // Chapter timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      name: 'Chapter 2', // Chapter name
      description: 'Chapter 2 description', // Chapter description
      value: 0.2 // Chapter timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
  tags : [ // tags
      name: 'Simple tag', // Tag name
      description: 'Simple tag description', // Tag description (can contain HTML)
      value: 0.1 // Tag timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      name: 'Video tag', // Tag name
      description: 'Video tag description', // Tag description (can contain HTML)
      value: 0.2, // Tag timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      file: { // Video associated to the tag
        mimetype: 'video/mp4', // Video mime type
        basePath: 'http://mydomainname.local/video.mp4' // Url of the video
      name: 'PDF tag', // Tag name
      description: 'PDF tag description', // Tag description (can contain HTML)
      value: 0.3, // Tag timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      file: { // PDF associated to the tag
        mimetype: 'application/pdf', // PDF mime type
        basePath: 'http://mydomainname.local/pdf.pdf', // Url of the PDF
        originalname: 'pdf-name-without-extension' // PDF file name when downloading
      name: 'Image tag', // Tag name
      description: 'Image tag description', // Tag description (can contain HTML)
      value: 0.4, // Tag timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      file: { // Image associated to the tag
        mimetype: 'image/jpeg', // Image mime type
        basePath: 'http://mydomainname.local/image.jpeg' // Url of the image
      name: 'Audio tag', // Tag name
      description: 'Audio tag description', // Tag description (can contain HTML)
      value: 0.5, // Tag timecode in percent (percentage of the video)
      file: { // Audio associated to the tag
        mimetype: 'audio/mp3', // Audio mime type
        basePath: 'http://mydomainname.local/audio.mp3' // Url of the audio file
  cut: [ // Cut information (begin and end)
      type: 'begin', // Cut type (either "begin" or "end")
      value: 0 // Begin timecode (percentage of the media)
      type: 'end', // Cut type (either "begin" or "end")
      value: 0.9 // End timecode (percentage of the media)

ov-full-viewport (optional)

Indicates if player must take the full viewport or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to false)

$scope.isFullViewport = false;

ov-time (optional)

Indicates if video time / duration must be displayed or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to true)

$scope.isTimeDisplayed = true;

ov-fullscreen-icon (optional)

Indicates if fullscreen icon must be displayed or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to true) Note that even if this option is set to true, this icon can be hidden on devices/browsers without support for Javascript Fullscreen API.

$scope.isFullscreenIconDisplayed = true;

ov-volume-icon (optional)

Indicates if volume icon must be displayed or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to true)

$scope.isVolumeIconDisplayed = true;

ov-mode-icon (optional)

Indicates if mode icon must be displayed or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to true)

$scope.isModeIconDisplayed = true;

ov-media-sources-icon (optional)

Indicates if multi-sources video icon must be displayed or not. (Default to false)

$scope.isMediaSourcesIconDisplayed = false;

ov-settings-icon (optional)

Indicates if settings icon must be displayed or not. This must be an assignable variable evaluated as a boolean. (Default to true)

$scope.isSettingsIconDisplayed = true;

ov-language (optional)

Indicates player language. (Default to en)

Supported values are:

  • fr
  • en

ov-player-type (optional)

Indicates player type. (Default to html)

Supported values are:

  • vimeo
  • youtube
  • html

ov-auto-play (optional)

Indicates if player must automatically start when media is ready. (Default to false)


ov-remember-position (optional)

Indicates if player must automatically start at time which video has previously been stopped. (Default to false)
